This is a class where live participants can bring in their child(s) charts to use as class examples for Malena to dive in live time. Participants will receive a reference guide on how to read children's charts and apply this to helping parents/caregivers/teachers raise the children that are right in front of them as well as getting insight into Malena's method she uses for her Mom and Family packages.
Series Structure
Overview of the kid's chart & the power of free will - Class 1
The timeline for when a child enters their rising sign, moon sign and sun sign - Class 1
The Elements + looking to parental elements to see how the child's elements will be nurtured or not - Class 2
Practical homework and how to raise them to have their fullest potential met - Class 2
Wednesday, June 8th at 9am Pacific Time
Wednesday, June 15th at 9am Pacific Time